Head of the master’s degree programme in primary education (master MEEF 1er degré)
The mentoring and professionnal development of teachers – Literacy-based practices – Health education


Yolande Cavaloc completed her Bachelor degree at Auckland University in New Zealand and obtained her PhD in cellular and molecular biology at the University Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg 1. She spent 10 years in junior education. Since 2013 she coordinates the academic and professionnal training of the primary school teachers at the Faculty of Education of the University of New Caledonia

Latest publications
  • Cavaloc., Y., Ferrière., S., & Dupeux., N. (2022). From observation of pupils’ literacy-based practices towards the mentoring and professionnal development of teachers. The International Education Journal : Comparative perspectives, 21(1), 81 – 100. http://iejcomparative.org
  • Wattelez G, Frayon S, Cavaloc Y, Cherrier S, Lerrant Y, Galy O. (2019) Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and associated factors in school-going adolescents of New-Caledonia. Nutrients 11, 452.
  • Frayon S, Cherrier S, Cavaloc Y, Touitou A, Zongo P, Wattelez G, Yacef K, Caillaud C, Lerrant Y and Galy O. (2019) Nutrition behaviors and sociodemographic factors associated with overweight in the multi-ethnic adolescents of New-Caledonia. Ethnicity and Health 24(2), 194-210.
  • Frayon S, Cavaloc Y, Wattelez G, Cherrier S, Lerrant Y, Ashwell M, Galy O. (2018) Potential for waist-to-height ratio to detect overfat adolescents from a Pacific Island, even those within the normal BMI range. Obesity Research and Clinical Practice 12(4), 351-357.
  • Frayon S, Cavaloc Y, Wattelez G, Cherrier S, Touitou A, Zongo P, Yacef K, Caillaud C, Lerrant Y, Galy O. (2017) Body image, body dissatisfaction and weight status of Pacific adolescents from different ethnic communities: a cross-sectional study in New Caledonia. Sous presse, Ethnicity and health.
  • Frayon S, Cavaloc Y, Wattelez G, Cherrier S, Lerrant S, Galy O. (2017) Self-reported Height and Weight in Oceanian School-Going Adolescents and Factors Associated With Errors. Asia Pacific journal of Public health 29(6), 526-536.
  • Frayon, S., Cherrier, S., Cavaloc, Y., Wattelez, G., Lerrant, Y., and Galy, O. (2017) Relationship of body fat and body mass index in young Pacific Islanders: a cross-sectional study in European, Melanesian and Polynesian groups. Pediatric Obesity,
  • Frayon S, Cherrier S, Cavaloc Y, Wattelez G, Touitou A, Zongo P, Yacef K, Caillaud C, Lerrant Y and Galy O. (2017) Nutritional behaviors and socio-demographic factors associated with overweight in pluri-ethnic adolescents of New-Caledonia. Ethnicity and Health, 10 Apr :1-17.
  • Frayon S, Cherrier S, Cavaloc Y, Wattelez G,Touitou A, Zongo P, Yacef K, Caillaud C, Lerrant Y, Galy O.(2017) Misperception of weight status in the Pacific: preliminary findings in rural and urban 11‒16-year-olds in New Caledonia. BMC Public Health, 17:25.